Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Bullets Today

I feel as though I have to type really fast to post this before it all goes pear-shaped again.
I won't bore you with details but OMIHAT! have I had problems with Internet access!
Hopefully, my computer guy will get a handle on it soon for me.
In the meantime - bullets:

* I have actually started pilates.
To get the full import of that statement, I need to tell you that I've been talking about it for (blush) a couple of years. Yes - years!
* I'm off shortly for a coffee date with DS1 - a rare and much prized thing.
* Yesterday we had the final get together of our Patriarchs study (Beth Moore). Its been a wonderful ride with a great bunch of women.
We drank coffee, ate too much junk and shared how God had impacted us through this study.
PS - yesterday was one of those winter Cape Town days that make you dizzy with joy.
* This afternoon is full of promise too - its Watching Day for Lulu's tap dancing class. (Lulu is GD 3 aged 7) which means that doting relatives can go and see how brilliantly she is doing.
* Lynette is down in Cape Town and is coming to visit with me later on. We will drool over the view together; drink tea; hopefully eat something (yay WW!) and talk the hind leg off a donkey!

Can't wait for it all!


  1. Enjoy your time with Lynette and all the rest.

  2. It's cool that you started Pilates :)
    It's so nice to share with someone about God. I too have someone like this at work currently and it is so cool to talk about God with someone other than one's family.

  3. Glad to see you managed to find your way back to us! I was wondering if you'd had success! :)

    Enjoy your time with Lynette! It really doesn't matter what the weather does, its an extraordinary view at any time - and besides, you'll probably be talking alot! ;-) (Both of you, I mean! ha)

  4. LOL! we did talk a lot. Allie, this afternoon was a much needed tonic for me...thank you.

  5. Sorry i havent visited - for some reason your feeds werent updating! So glad you made a start on pilates! What a treat to see Lynette too!

  6. So nice to have you visit my blog!
    We are just sweltering here in Texas. Your weather sounds very inviting about now.
    We did that Beth Moore study too. I have gotten so much out of every study of hers that we've done. She has such a special gift for reaching women.
    Thanks again for visiting!
