Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Tiny Roar

This is what the new part of my lounge looks like right now:

I am gutted
There have been three attempts by the original builder to waterproof the new section of roofing but, obviously it ain't working

In fact its worse than ever: pools of water everywhere.

I am a woman of few towels and every one I own is spread out to soak up the wet.

Ominously too, some of the glorious beechwood flooring I was so excited about, is starting to warp.


About the "finding my voice" thing -

As Stroller, I am going to gird up my loins and face my stuff.

Cos Stroller is cool that way.

Moving along . . .

For years I have taken a back seat when it comes to decorating the house.

The man has very strong tastes and views - mine always clashed with his.

So I backed off, did the "if it means that much to you, you just do it your way" thing that I do, and left it.

A couple of months ago, I suddenly decided "No more, I want to have the say in decorating our home"

I approached DH, expecting total opposition.

To my amazement, he instantly agreed!

Since that happened, many changes have been made in the house and the astonishing thing is, now we find our tastes have merged!

Its like a miracle.

Well, it IS a miracle.

And I have learned something very valuable

I remembered this very morning that I used to hate winning at games when I was little.

I either felt sorry for my opponent

Or felt hostility from the losers and so decided it was just easier to not win.

Because, after all, it didn't matter that much to me

And it seemed to matter an awful lot to them.

Did the "ag, it doesn't really matter" spread to a lot of other areas?

Did it then become habitual not to stand up for my own brainchildren, esteeming them less valuable than those of others?

It sure would explain a loss of voice!

Oh -

On that note (pardon the pun!)

Yesterday I was sing-praying in the car

Do you ever do that?

Somehow when there is just one thing you want to ask the Lord, its easier to sing it

(If you didn't know that, try it

You just sing the words, the tune will come by itself.)

Anyway, lovely little tunes emerged

I thought: "Oh no, I will forget them for sure!" but instead - pulled over and recorded my songs on my BB.

I have a small timid voice (go figger!), tuneful though, as I heard on the playback.

One day I'm going to find a place where I can shout

Really loud

Sing, really loud

I don't even know if I can do that

But I'm going to try.


  1. Here's to singing out REALLY LOUDLY!!:-)

  2. Oh dear...been there! Thinking of you. Hugs.

  3. This quote reminds me of you today:

    Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life !!
    Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice.
    Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become !
    Steve Jobs

