Friday, 8 July 2011

Board and Lodging

A catch up post is in order I think.

For any of you that have come across with me from Allie Chilling, there was much talk then about alterations we were making to our house.
Those are finished
And even the leaks in the roof are (hopefully) a thing of the past.
I think its time to give you an idea of what the new space looks like.
(Please bear with me: the BB has a horrible camera but the pix I take with my other cam take forEVER to upload.
So, I've gone with the awful pix)

This looks dark because its taken into bright light. Actually the room is flooded with light, which I love.
The cosiest corner ever. This is where Lynette and I hung out a while ago when she swung by for a visit.
The round glass table in the background is where The Man and I have our dinner at night, feeling like royalty as we watch the sea and the lights of the bustling metropolis below.

I fell in love with this table. I know its not fashionable at the mo, not being dark wood. But I adore old oak. And the chairs are the most comfortable ever.

And now for something completely different:

It was Hooli our grandson, aged 5, who next came for a sleep over. Unlike his sister, (see a couple of posts back) he travels light. His passion right now is skateboarding
In a moment of genius, I sent him off alone with his Oupa to the skateboarding park/rink for a time of male bonding. It turned out a hit with them both.

And I had the joy of these pics from the expedition:

Lookin goooood!

But he's immediately back up on the board.

He has the stance, and the houding (attitude). I think he's just wired for it, don't you?

I told myself I would DEFinitely go for a walk today: the weather window is exquisite but brief.
And that is my excuse for leaving this space
For now
Have a good weekend!

Monday, 4 July 2011

Wass That?!

Don't laugh but a week ago I didn't know what this was:
I knew was that it was worn on the head but how that worked - hmmm. . . ?

Oddly, the woman in the funny little shop didnt know how it worked either.

When I tried to put it on, hatlike, she looked doubtfully at me, finger on her chin: "No-o, I don't think thats right. But I can't remember how it works."

Then she brightened right up: "Let me just run next door. She knows how to put it on."

The joys of small-town living.

She returned quickly with 'next door' in tow who quickly put us straight.

"You pull the whole thing over your head and pull up the back part to make a hood"
O-h-h-h. Nifty, very nifty.

I was flippin glad I had this when I went for a walk this evening

It was freeeezing -

The south easter is not someting to trifle with at this time of the year

Winter is biting hard suddenly.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Fluffy Family Matters

"Just type something,
It doesn't have to be earth shattering or brilliant
Just say something
(Advice to self)
Ok then -
I'm alive, I'm still around blogland
Just tongue tied (or should that be finger-tied?)
For reasons I do not know.
I want to write
Honest I do.
But when I sit down here
I draw a blank.
Time after time.

My life is at a very exciting place (for me anyway)
But somehow I cannot write about it.
Yes its weird
And no, I have no idea what.the.heck. is going on. Ok -

Let me try for one thing. . . .

On Friday night my 10 year old granddaughter, Honey, was with us for a sleep over. DH had been on a biz trp so we had the evening to ourselves, Honey and I. We snuggled up under a fleecy cover and watched a movie about a boy who, at 13 discovers he is turning into a merman.Fascinating stuff.

I continued watching by myself long after she went to sleep. And when DH came home, I told him I just HAD to see the end.

I wonder what that says about me?
I don't care actually.
It was wonderful to disappear into fantasy-land for a couple of hours.
The following afternoon, Honey told me the history of about 20 of her fluffy dogs.
They all have, not only names, but also very definite characters and roles in the 'family of Honey's dogs.'

For eg:
"Granny, this is Lizzy. She is very kind and gentle. She's about 60 and she looks after the orphans." (This about a golden fluffy teddy type dog)
"Then this is Patch - she looks after all the Dalmatians."
(There are about 8 Dalmatians in her collection, all different sizes. Except the twins of course)
"She also helps Lizzy with the orphans. She's a bit stricter than Lizzy although she's still kind to them. She's in her forties."

And so on through all the myriad dogs
Each of them was known and loved like her children.
Intricate histories woven around them all.

And I thought: "How rich is this fantasy world!"
And how grateful I am that this child has managed to keep it intact in the face of all the instant entertainment there is.
And how often we just don't understand -
We just see a bunch of old worn fluffy toys
And think - she's a bit big for these, isnt she?
Not realising what they mean to her.

I did it!
I wrote something
*big smile*