For any of you that have come across with me from Allie Chilling, there was much talk then about alterations we were making to our house.
Those are finished
And even the leaks in the roof are (hopefully) a thing of the past.
I think its time to give you an idea of what the new space looks like.
(Please bear with me: the BB has a horrible camera but the pix I take with my other cam take forEVER to upload.
So, I've gone with the awful pix)
This looks dark because its taken into bright light. Actually the room is flooded with light, which I love. The cosiest corner ever. This is where Lynette and I hung out a while ago when she swung by for a visit.
The round glass table in the background is where The Man and I have our dinner at night, feeling like royalty as we watch the sea and the lights of the bustling metropolis below.
I fell in love with this table. I know its not fashionable at the mo, not being dark wood. But I adore old oak. And the chairs are the most comfortable ever.
And now for something completely different:
It was Hooli our grandson, aged 5, who next came for a sleep over. Unlike his sister, (see a couple of posts back) he travels light. His passion right now is skateboarding
In a moment of genius, I sent him off alone with his Oupa to the skateboarding park/rink for a time of male bonding. It turned out a hit with them both.

Lookin goooood!

But he's immediately back up on the board.

I told myself I would DEFinitely go for a walk today: the weather window is exquisite but brief.
And that is my excuse for leaving this space
For now
Have a good weekend!